7:29 PM

Why do I post regularly?

You can thank seashell for that!

I have a big block.. A writers block to be precise. Perpetual. I don’t even know where it came from. But lo and behold, there it is. Hard to miss, heavy to carry and thoroughly opaque. With this writers block I keep bumping into things and because of its heaviness (not to mention the subsequent falls I have) I always leave the ‘heaving of the block’ to the bottom of my priority list – no matter the consequence.

That’s changed of late.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that the block is malleable. It’s like Play-Doh. The more you bend and twist and squish and squash and flatten and roll, the better shape it takes until finally it resembles something that exists!

That’s why I post regularly. I’ve come to realize that penning down some random, some times inconsequential, thoughts and at other times defined opinions and reminiscences, kickstart my vocabulary and train of thoughts. Ultimately, I draw stimulation from memory flashes that are subconsciously stored in deep crevices, motivation from personal jottings and soon, the private writing gets me into the mood to launch into business writing.

That’s why I post regularly. Seashell requires me to write. A lot. And apparently I write well…hahahahaha…*wiping tears away from all the hard laughing* …I can write…I write emotional, sentimental, adjective, verb-y and descriptive stuff very well. But business writing? Am hardly setting the trail blazing there. Though I am getting better at it. Crisp, to-the-point sans the bells and whistles, high-level business lingo takes me time and sometimes inspiration and more importantly the mood.

That’s why I post regularly. It gets me into the mood. I am in the business zone. It’s like clearing the clutter in my crowded headquarters in the penthouse (read: mind) and getting ready to cut to the chase. I usually write in a conversational style – I write as if I am talking – good for chatty mails and letters. But to the CEO? Wrong approach!

And that’s why I post regularly.

Like I said, Play-Doh. The more I play around, the better I get. That’s true not only with my writing skills! :)