12:09 AM


The movie Notting Hill, shown on one of the movie channels last week, prompted me to write the chick-flick post and also this one.

Before I start, for the benefit of soups and others who believe that the chick flicks are my ‘fav’ movies, they are not. They are movies that (1) have a ‘story’ behind them (2) I haven’t seen (3) have already seen but want to see again for chick-flick nite sake (4) make me go ‘awww’ (not necessarily my fav ‘awww’s) (5) are my all-time favs (6) purely for soppiness (7) reinforces some bonds (in my head mostly!).

How one thing can spark off thoughts about something very random.

Notting Hill reminds me of Dr. A. one of the closest to the ‘most likely one’. We had something special. Went on for a brief time and then we parted ways. Only to reconnect at a different level (again briefly) years later. And it was a mature reconnection that I enjoyed. No, he’s not someone I’ll call on when I’m at my lowest or when I need a friend. The memories are still good to ride on and I prefer to leave it at that. At that time we even had made a pact that the 3 of us (+1 being the reason we met) will meet in 10 years, at coffee day on brigade road.

He, or my relationship with him, is not the subject of my post however.

This one deals with what I did for the ones (notice plural) I am/was fond of. Mainly the men in my life. Some of the absurd things I have done and continue to do (sometimes), for the ones who meant and still mean the most to me (at the time of course):

1. Traveled 40 hours (to & fro) in an unreserved ladies compartment to spend 12 hours with him.
2. Listened to the sound track (play, stop, rewind, play, pause, play and loop) and wrote lyrics in handmade paper in my best handwriting (wasted many sheets)
3. Read 2 books on Dennis Rodman because Rodman was a fav with him. Thought it would help me relate to him better and understand him better.
4. Traveled to Bombay and spent time with him
5. Traveled to Madras to know him better
6. 9-month cold war with my parents for him
7. Distanced, and ended up isolating, myself from priorities, deadlines, holidays, family time, work, entertainment, friends - for him
8. Gave up pork and alcohol for him
9. Changed my lifestyle for any 5 minutes I can get with him
10. Put my life on hold for him
11. Always paid for him (including dates)
12. Always made excuses for him

I haven’t written about anything I do or have done for the women in my life, primarily because they don’t make me do absurd things :-). And more over, I don’t consider them absurd even if I did/do end up doing something!

News. I still do absurdities. Good news. I am slowly learning to choose my absurdities. Coz hey, what’s the fun of being in love if you don’t go out on a limb from time to time. That’s what makes it so special – then b’coz you are so madly in love, now b’coz you know you loved deeply and passionately and ‘lived’ the relationship. Makes for great memories doesn’t it!


Unknown said...

two more years to the deadline meet!