10:32 PM


The other day while driving to work, I passed two accidents. There were cops and the involved people crowded around talking, gesturing, pointing and huffing away.

That I can deal with. What I couldn’t understand was why other people, especially bikers, slow down, or worse stall, right in the middle of the road. Eagerly craning their neck for goodness only knows what and no amount of revving or for that matter honking moves them!

* Sigh *

Both times I had to roll down my window and yell.

I ask, what’s the deal? Cops are present, no one is visibly injured, authorities seem to have everything under control. why does one need to slow down to look out for any tragedy that they might have missed at first glance, do nothing about it even if they did spot anything and then ride/drive on.

The satisfaction that someone’s day is going worse than theirs?