7:17 PM

back & new

It’s been some time since I wrote.

Do I need to rephrase that to something more emphatic?

Lots of things happened over the last few months. By the way, my last post was in January and it’s now July. Jeez times flies and how!

Was walking a very unfamiliar path back then. And after some deliberation thought I might as well embrace the adventures of the unknown path and make the best of it – experience the unknown, the whims and fancies of an unscheduled unplanned journey, when out of the blue came something irresistible. Those of you who know me know what I am talking about.

So I got promptly sucked back into corporate life. Of course, I didn’t even think twice because the company was just too hard to resist. I thoroughly enjoyed my interview experience. Absolutely think high of my bosses (honestly – some of you know why I esp. focus on this). A global brand, fantastic people culture, the largest in revenue across companies (international), diverse and inclusive, open and transparent work style, consensus oriented, NOT IT-related (thank goodness for that!), value intelligence (really!), and the list goes on! Anyhoo, I’m in a really happy place now work-wise and the feeling is refreshing. I contribute more efficiently, feel part of the bigger picture, am motivated and I enjoy what I do. What a change from the turmoil and the oh-no-I-have-to-go-to-office feelings that preceded seashell. Happy happy joy joy!:D

So new company, new profile, new colleagues, new work timings, new car, new outlook. Wait don’t I need something old, something borrowed and something blue?


Kanchan said...

Have fun and keep the posts coming.