8:14 PM

So I begin….
Writing. Something I used to indulge in whenever I needed to express myself, when my mind & soul would be crowded with thoughts that I actually burn up.
I have this habit of going off in tangents when speaking out (not a good thing, esp when u are trying to make a point…but definitely good when you want to brainstorm J)
This is definitely not a brainstorm session.

Or is it now?
Brainstorm with myself. Moderator & participants all rolled into one.

A friend asked me – “if you weren’t working here, what would you be doing?”
That had me blank & blink. Absolutely no train of thoughts or even the glimmer of a word that could save me. Oh dear!

I said what most people say – I would want to travel…(ms. Moderator goes, “Hello – who doesn’t!
Then I said something that surprised me…that I would want to pursue my creative streak.

And streak it is that I have.