8:14 PM

So I begin….
Writing. Something I used to indulge in whenever I needed to express myself, when my mind & soul would be crowded with thoughts that I actually burn up.
I have this habit of going off in tangents when speaking out (not a good thing, esp when u are trying to make a point…but definitely good when you want to brainstorm J)
This is definitely not a brainstorm session.

Or is it now?
Brainstorm with myself. Moderator & participants all rolled into one.

A friend asked me – “if you weren’t working here, what would you be doing?”
That had me blank & blink. Absolutely no train of thoughts or even the glimmer of a word that could save me. Oh dear!

I said what most people say – I would want to travel…(ms. Moderator goes, “Hello – who doesn’t!
Then I said something that surprised me…that I would want to pursue my creative streak.

And streak it is that I have.

7:50 PM


I am unwritten, can't read my mind. I'm undefined and just begining.

Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find, Reaching for something in the distance

So close you can almost taste it. Release your inhibitions.

Feel the rain on your skin, No one else can feel it for you, Only you can let it in you, No one else can speak the words on your lips, Drench yourself in words unspoken.

Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins.

The rest is still unwritten...

> 'Unwritten' ** Natasha Bedingfield